Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Consumer services for business

It's very common to think of consumer advocacy simply as benefiting end users -- purchasers of products who are trying to avoid deficiencies in their acquired items. But, contrary to that mental image, consumer services do indeed exist for businesses -- and Bob Glassman's Home Team Communications group exemplifies the example better than anyone.

We've documented previously -- on this occasion -- and this one -- and this one as well -- that Bob and HTC go the extra distance for clients, even when there is nothing tangible to be gained in a given situation. The loyalty furnished by HTC is not dependent on short-term or convenient considerations -- it's a constant component of the business, because Bob wouldn't have it any other way.

In so doing, HTC functions as an advocate for businesses much in the same manner that consumer entities perform for individual buyers. This inventive approach bestows immense competitive advantages on their clients, who can achieve vast efficiency.

And it bears repeating in this space -- this level of service has been furnished even before the launch of Commtrol. Once this product, the culmination of so much hard work (and currently, beta testing), hits the streets in early June, current and future clients of HTC will benefit like never before.

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